Liveness is a constant construction in the face of the changing environment of global performance studies. I‘m grateful to WHAM for opening up the stage of my life to a wider horizon.
杨客 成功录取 伦敦国王学院 剧院表演与文化批判 硕士
Yang Ke has been accepted into KCL MA Theatre, Performance & Critical Culture
林燕玲 瓦哇表演工作室的申请者,成功被皇家中央演讲与戏剧学院录取。学习期间共收获8张offer!
Yen LingLim is studying at WHAM ,has been successfully admitted to the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama. During her studies, she received a total of eight offers.
I appreciate Jowan guiding me to re-explore acting and I truly believe that a genuine performance could break through all boundaries.